Invasive Cardiologist and Angiologist at University of Szeged, Internal Medicine Department and at Semmelweis University, Cardiac and Vascular Center. Head of Invasive Cardiology and Angiology at University of Szeged, Internal Medicine Department.
Past president of the Hungarian Association of Cardio-Vascular Interventions. He is expert in doing complex coronary (CTO, LM, rotational atherectomy) and peripheral procedures (stroke embolectomy, carotide, subclavian, renal, venous, and lower limb interventions). He also has experience in structural cardiac procedures. He is principal investigator in many international and investigator-initiated trials in interventional cardiology and angiology field.
Articles by Zoltán Ruzsa, Head of Invasive Cardiology (Invasve Cardiology)
Viktor Sasi, Gyula Szántó, Alexandru Achim, et al
Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2023;18:e23.