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Job title: Associate Professor
DrMond is an Associate Professor at both Melbourne and Monash Universities in Victoria, Australia. He has been performing pacemaker implantation since 1970 at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Dr Mond was a foundation committee member of NASPeXAM (IBHRE). Dr Mond has retired from pacemaker implantation, but is still responsible for the pacemaker clinic at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. He has authored… View more
Prof Roy Beinart is a Senior Physician, Director at the Davidai Arrhythmia Center, the Heart Institute. Dr. Beinart specializes in diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmia (Electrophysiology), pacemaker implantation, intracardiac defibrillator (ICD) implantation, cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), simple and complex cardiac ablations.His research interests include atrial fibrillation,… View more
Job title: Consultant Paediatric and Adult Congenital Cardiologist, Director of the Congenital Catheterisation Laboratory
Job title: Consultant Cardiologist
Dr. Davidson is Medical Director at the University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust. Since May 2002, he has been a Consultant Cardiologist with a specialist interest in electrophysiology. He trained at University of Freeman Hospital, Newcastle, Westmead Hospital in Sydney and the Royal Melbourne Hospital. His key areas of clinical interest include atrial fibrillation and in… View more
Job title: Professor of Surgery
Research Area(s) / Expertise: Job title: Director of Heart Rhythm Services
Dr. John D. Day is a cardiologist in Salt Lake City, Utah and is affiliated with Intermountain Medical Centre. Dr. Day received his medical degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. View more
Job title: Consultant Cardiologist
Prof Pier Lambiase, PhD, FRCP, BMBCh, is a consultant cardiologist specialising in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders and pacemaker implantation. He graduated from Oxford University in 1992 and trained in cardiology at St Thomas’ and Hammersmith Hospitals. Following completion of a PhD in 2002, he undertook higher specialist training in electrophysiology and became a consultant cardiologist… View more
Author(s): Harriette Van Spall , Helene Eltchaninoff Added: 5 months ago
ESC Congress 2024 — Transcatheter aortic valve replacement shows superiority over surgical aortic valve replacement for women with severe aortic stenosis.Host, Dr Harriette Van Spall (McMaster University, CA) sits down with Prof Helene Eltchaninoff (University Hospital of Rouen, FR) to discuss key findings from the RHEIA trial (NCT04160130; Optimapharm).This prospective, randomised study aims to… View more
Research Area(s) / Expertise:

Coronary Interventions

Job title: Consultant cardiologist
Background Dr Ghada Mikhail is a consultant interventional cardiologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. She qualified from the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, and was awarded an MD from the University of London. She trained at the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust. She has gained international experience by spending a year in Italy, in a world renowned centre, on an… View more