
View from the Thoraxcenter: TCT 22 Late-breaking Science Wrap-up

Published: 30 Sep 2022

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What are the top late-breaking science trials from #TCT2022?

View From the Thoraxcenter hosts, Prof Nicolas Van Mieghem and Dr Joost Daemen (Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL) review the late-breaking science from the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) Conference 2022.
In this video you will learn more about the most impactful data and its application to practice and research. 

Trials covered in detail include:
04:47:13: CLASP II D
06:20:04: TVT Registry 
09:42: The United Kingdom National Registry 
11:44:32: Amulet IDE
13:18:45: SCOPE I
15:15:29: RADIANCE II Pivotal Trial
00:17:38: SYMPLICITY HTN-3
20:52:03: PADN-CFDA
22:45:42: UNIVERSAL
25:03:20: FLASH FlowTriever Mechanical Thrombectomy Registry 
26:46:45: BEST
29:39:13: FAVOR III China 
31:36:27: EPIC STEMI
33:02:21: COPS 
34:58:04: EXIT-CALC

Editor: Mirjam Boros